Ahojte hľadám niekoho kto býva v Nemecku, komkrétne v Mainzu…hľadám tam prácu aspoň na leto…ubytovanie mám…ak niekto tak dobrí čo by mohol niečo vybaviť !! Budem rada…mám 24 rokov,ovládam základy nemčiny… určite sa chcem zdokonaliť !!
Ahojte, vedel by mi niekto poradit ohladne materskej a rodicovskej dovolenky, teda lepsie povedane, co musi byt z mojej strany splnene, aby mi mohol byt poskytnuty a v akej vyske ?? Bola by som velmi rada, keby sa nasiel niekto s uzitocnymi informaciami, slovenske a ceske mamicky v Nemecku … 🙂 Dakujem ….
Ahojte, chystame sa s priatelom v juli do Nemecka, mestecko Erlangen, priatel uz ma pracu … Chcela by som vas poprosit ci neviete o nejakej praci pre mna … Po nemecky rozumiem ale zatial sa mi este tazko rozprava kedze som nikdy plynule po nemecky rozpravat nemusela. Ale myslim si, ze to pojde rychlo 🙂
Ak by niekto o niecom vedel, budem velmi vdacna.
Ahojte,sme so svagrom v Nemecku,konkretne Waldkraiburg-okres Muhldorf,ubytko mame zabezpecene,len s pracou je to horsie.Robili sme v Eone pre fa.Mayer-pokladaci zamkovej dlazby,lenze po dvoch tyzdnoch sa to skoncilo a teraz robime pre sefa okolo domu za 50 na den/slubenych bolo 10 eciek na hod/.vsetku moznu pracu,pritom sme sikovni-vieme hocaku pracu,len klasika Slovakov pracuj.v zahranici nie dlhu dobu-mierna recova bariera.Rozumiet rozumieme,len sa vykoktat problem,verime ze casom sa zlepsime.Neviete niekto poradit nejaku pracu,nemate kontakt na niekoho,boli by sme velmi vdacni,nechceme to rychlo vzdat a ist domov ked uz sme tu,ale zarobime uboho malo-vieme robit riny,skleniky,zamocke dlazby,klasike dlazby-obklady,parkety,kosenie zahrad,pletiva-proste nie je problem cokolvek.Taktiez stahovanie nabytku,vypratavanie barakov,obaja mame vp.sk B.sme na slovens.zivnostiach ale nie je prolem aj na zmluvu.Budeme fakt velmi vdacni,pripadne len za nemecke stranky s ponukami prace.Diky moc..
@Renci wrote:
Ahojte..zijem v Nemecku v Meste Wuppertal.Najde sa tu nejaka mamicka,ktora tu tiez byva?Rada by som tu nasla nejaku kamosku zo Slovenka.Mam 34 rokov..zijem tu s manzelom a 2 rocnou dcerkou.Dufam,ze tu najdem nejaku kamosku,na prechadzku,kavicku,na pekne stravene dni.Tak, pekny den prajem 😉
Ahoj, zijem v Remscheid, som mamicka 4 rocnej dcerky, mohli by sme sa kontaktovat?
ja si hladam pracu v Nemecku bud na trvalo alebo aj na turnusy.
Momentalne pracujem v automotive priemysle – skusenosti – kontrola kvality, obsluha strojov ( lisovaci stroj, flamobaci robot, zlievacia forma atd.) .
Mam skusenosti aj s pracou v zahrade s nastrojmi a zahrad.zariadenim. Mam platny preukaz obsluhy motorovych vozikov Trieda: I ,II , Druh: A C D W1 W2 .
Som vyuceny kuchar ale nemam prax ( skolska prax 4r. + 4mesiace v restike v Nemecku ako pomoc.kuchar sefkuchara) .Nebojim sa akejkolvek manualnej prace.
Tak ak niekto o nejakej praci vie tak nech mi napise spravu. dakujem velmi pekne.
@admin wrote:
Hľadáte Slovákov žijúcich vo Vašom okolí? Toto je to správne miesto pre všetkých nachádzajúcich sa práve v Nemecku!
Ahoj ja som pri nemeckých hraniciach ,,, ale v Fr … Idem na Sk keď by niekto mal záujem sa zviest napíšte do správy zavolam idem 23/08 na večer .. Cez Nemecko na Sk
@admin wrote:
Hľadáte Slovákov žijúcich vo Vašom okolí? Toto je to správne miesto pre všetkých nachádzajúcich sa práve v Nemecku!
Nepotrebuje niekto zviest idem na Slovensko .. Z Nemecka mám voľne miesta….. 23/08 … Napíšte zavolam´´
@prechuschka wrote:
Ahojte, Je tu niekto v Norimbergu? Byvam tu s manzelom a dcerkou, rada by som stretla niekoho na pokec 🙂
ahoj ja som s rodinkou 27km od Nbg smer Ansbach.kde tam byvate?
Ahojte, pred cca 3 tyzdnami som sa prestahovala do Heidelbergu… nepoznam tu, zatial, ziadneho slovaka ci cecha a sem tam by padlo fajn pokecat si aj po nasom 🙂 tak ak by mal niekto zaujem, tak moze sa ozvat aj na mail href=“mailto:martina.p.24@gmail.com“>martina.p.24@gmail.com kedze neviem ako casto budem mat cas checknut forum.
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The identify Apple is synonymous to every kind of technological revolutions in terms of managing the iPhone series and hence the iPhone consumers are ever prepared to take a look at and think about the yet-to-be-trodden approaches with the potential iPhone 5 series and that is supposed to get launched sometime near 2014 summertime. Apple with its revolutionary renovations having a series and gamut of mobile telephonic devices is quickly going to release the iPhone 4 devise. Nonetheless, with its mysteries and additions previously been found through the fanatics, folks are now speculating and imagining the format and construction and magical characteristics with the and its potential utility. Even though this is a regarded fact that Apple will launch the new series of iPhone 4S in the summer of 2014, people have already started off to predict its possible features and technical attraction, but there isn’t any denial with the reality that these would only be counted as well known but unproved iPhone 6 rumors.
Data related to iPhone 4
The improvement in the WiFi capacities is most probable and also the 4G connection will undoubtedly be linked using the cellphone. iPhone 4S information also predicts the introduction of the virtual projector to undertaking films at a brief distance, however the most surprising and magnificent attribute will likely be to witness a transparent telephone revolutionized by none other than Apple for the 6th generation customers. Yes the news or even the rumor points out to this prediction the new iPhone devise may well flaunt a transparent look. One more iPhone 4 rumor says that the devise may possibly be connected with the nearby NFC terminals which would allow its users to spend bills and use bank cards by utilizing the phone. Other than that the high quality and improvement of the media files will be extremely superior and improved. All together it’s mentioned the new iPhone 4 set could have nearly infinite choices and attributes and attributes which can not merely make it indestructible but additionally by far the most technically sophisticated handset. Apple undoubtedly has for many years shocked and amazed its customers and clients for ages from the most pleasant strategies and can certainly carry on the trend with all the new iPhone 4 series.
You can find talks about specified iPhone 5 information which says that this new devise won’t use any charger but as a substitute will self-charge itself within its own cases which can act as being a charger. Now the probable iPhone 4S Rumor is that the same will occur as a result of solar energy. On the other hand, a single confident shot fact says the cellphone will weigh significantly less and can be easy to carry for your consumers. Now let’s get a look with the other intriguing iPhone 5 rumors which might be transformed into actual life attributes. A effectively spread iPhone news says that a virtual button to the touch screen will change the central button of the cellphone and there is a chance of inculcating many security measures from the mobile phone like a scanner to understand face and fingertips, although nobody would be able to make use of it except the owner, even though the phone is stolen.
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