konečne si to pochopila, že ťa tu nikto nechce. A nikto nie je na tvoje nazory zvedavy.
Nech ma kazdy chlapa odkial len chce, co to teba trapi. Komu sa paci alkoholik, nech si ho vezme, komu sa paci ateista, nech si ho vezme, etc..etc. Ved kazdy kto je svojpravny, ci moze vybrat. Si velmi starostliva o veci, do ktorych ta nic nie je. Ty si najdi trebars skinheada, ked ta vzrusuje rasizmus. Vsetky ti doprajeme. Vela stastia………..
Škoda, že sa nedá reagovať na diskutujúcich, zbytočne je tu z toho taký pomätený guláš….
Ale jedno je pravda, moslim nikdy neuzná ženu ako človeka, ako svojho partnera, pre neho žena predstavuje iba zbytočný kus mäsa okolo vagíny….
Veď ináč by nerobili s nimi také cirkusy, aké robia. Ďalšia vec je uhol pohľadu na svet a život zo strany moslima. Kým kresťanské vierovyznania učia k láske a tolerancii (nie vždy tomu tak bolo), tak moslimská viera považuje inovercov za úhlavných nepriateľov (a bohužiaľ, to sa nikdy nezmení)….
Kým poslaním človeka je prežiť život v pokoji a mieri, tak moslim je bojovníkom a celý život iba bojuje, až kým tým bojom sám nezhynie. Kým ostatná ľudská civilizácia pracuje na vede a výskume, oni ničia a popierajú výsledky vedy a výskumu. Dokonca to ide tak ďaleko, že sú ochotný zabíjať aj mimo svojho územia, len aby naplnili poslanie dané im klerikom a to je na tom najsmutnejšie. Keby európanovi povedal kňaz aby niekoho zabil, tak mu poklepe ukazovákom na čelo, ale moslim zavesí na seba 20 kg výbušním a poďho do metra, vlaku, či autobusu. Niektorí to skúšajú aj do lietadla
Headline News
Saudi Islamic summer camp targets extremism
Published Date: September 05, 2009
RIYADH: Young men spray hoses in a car-washing contest and play pool. Children make paper crowns in an art class, while their parents have a picnic. Alongside the fun and games, Muslim clerics answer questions about jihad or give lectures about the proper dress for women. This is Islamic summer camp, and it’s part of Saudi Arabia’s campaign to eliminate Al-Qaeda.
Saudi Arabia says it’s waging a „war of minds“ against extremist ideology, alongside the fierce security crackdown that has killed or arrested many Al-Qaeda leaders over the past six years. To do so, the kingdom plans to expand a broad public campaign aimed at preventing young people from being drawn to radicalism. „We are working on the men of the future,“ Abdulrahman Alhadlaq, general director of the Interior Ministry’s Ideological Security Directorate, told The Associated Press.
Islamic summer camps are a key part of the program, attended by thousands of families who consult with government-backed clerics instilling what Saudi authorities call a moderate message. The teachings at the camps are still ultraconservative, in line with the kingdom’s strict Wahhabi interpretation of Islam – but the clerics drill the message that youth should turn to approved religious authorities for guidance, not radical preachers. For example, on the issue of jihad, or holy war, they teach that it can
only be waged on the orders of the head of state.
It is … essentially about obedience, loyalty and recognition of authority,“ said Christopher Boucek, an associate at Washington’s Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, who has studied the camp programs. „That is what is stressed over and over again in these programs: Loyalty to the state and recognition that there are certain correct and qualified sources to follow.“ Boucek said it will take a long time to evaluate the programs‘ effectiveness. „In many ways, these are generational projects,“ he sa
The kingdom’s emphasis on ideological campaigns is a stark change from the defensive stance it took immediately after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, prompting a storm of criticism in the US that Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi thought fueled radicalism. Saudi Arabia staunchly denied the existence of any radical trend on its soil, dismissing warnings of Al-Qaeda’s influence.
It was not until 2003, when Al-Qaeda launched a campaign of attacks in Saudi Arabia targeting foreigners and oil infrastructure in a bid to bring down the ruling family, that the kingdom seriously unleashed its security crackdown. The government followed with a „rehabilitation“ program seeking to reform detained militants, in which clerics teach that Al-Qaeda’s calls for violence are un-Islamic.
Saudi Arabia has come under heavy criticism over its crackdown. Amnesty International condemned the use of torture against suspected militants. In August, New York-based Human Rights Watch said the kingdom is still holding 3,000 suspects without trial and is forcing them to undergo rehabilitation. Saudi officials say their approach has succeeded in breaking Al-Qaeda’s leadership and wrecking its ability to reorganize. Al-Qaeda has regrouped in neighboring Yemen, but Saudi officials say it is having difficu
lty gaining new Saudi recruits.
The government is soon expected to endorse a National Strategy to Counter Radicalization, which broadens the ideological campaign to the entire public. Besides the summer camps, which began several years ago, the plan calls for increasing employment and addressing grievances that militants exploit to recruit Saudis. The government has doubled the number of universities to take in more students and has increased the number of students who study abroad so they get exposed to other cultures. It is also arran
ging with private companies to provide paid training for Saudis who can’t find jobs.
The summer camps have proved popular. The 3-year-old Rabwat Arriyadh camp in the capital – one of several organized by the Islamic Affairs Ministry around the country – attracts 700,000 visitors annually, with families attending every evening for three weeks. Part of the curriculum is simply to have fun, not a minor thing in this kingdom where sources of entertainment are sparse. It also counters radicals‘ message that religion must eclipse all earthly matters. Girls and boys of all ages separately partic
ipate in games and sports, everything from volleyball to car-washing contests. The camp is segregated by se.xes as is every aspect of public life in Saudi Arabia.
At the same time, the young people and parents attend lectures by Islamic clerics. They are encouraged to discuss their views on jihad and Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda’s Saudi-born leader, and a cleric then „rectifies any radical misunderstandings,“ said ministry official Mohammed Mushawah. The clerics also advise on religious matters in general – and their answers reflect Saudi society’s deep conservatism. In past lectures, one cleric denounced the „decadent“ influence of Western movies and television. Anot
her urged husbands and fathers to ensure women wear the Islamic headscarf.
Evan F Kohlman, an analyst at the NEFA Foundation in Washington, said the program „couldn’t hurt.“ The message may still be ultraconservative, he said, „but you have to speak to people in language that they’re going to respect and … the only people that hardcore extremists in Saudi Arabia listen to are the clergy.“ Alhadlaq said the strategy is based on extensive studies of why Saudis join Al-Qaeda. The average Saudi Al-Qaeda militant is a high-school graduate from a middle-class background, usually from
a family larger than the Saudi average of 6.5 members per family, making parental control weak. Almost a third had traveled to hot spots like Afghanistan and Iraq.
Studies found that the main reason for joining militant groups is anger over issues like the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Alhadlaq said. Next are poverty and unemployment, followed by resentment over government attempts at liberalization. Preventing the adoption of extremist mindsets is a challenge, said Alhadlaq. „You can’t open up everybody’s mind to determine if he’s OK or not. That’s what makes it hard.“ „Sometimes you sit with a radical guy, and you say, ‚He’s a goo
d guy‘,“ he said. „But inside his mind, he’s got a different story. Change needs time.“ – AP
Anonymný, Nedeľa, 6.9.2009, 7:34
Relatives of Jihadists to be summoned
Published Date: September 06, 2009
KUWAIT: Attorney General Hamed Al-Othman has reportedly ordered that one of the two men recently arrested after returning from fighting alongside Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan should be sent to the Central Prison for 21 days, while the other should be held for questioning until tomorrow (Sunday).
The Public Prosecution Department has also reportedly called on investigators to speed up the investigative process and work on arresting another six individuals reportedly connected to jihadist activities, who subpoenas were issued for a few days ago.
The Public Prosecution Department has apparently also been making inquiries about a number of other Kuwaiti citizens identified by the two detained men as having been present during their jihadist training and other activities in Afghanistan. One official involved with the investigation said that the department might summon some of these individuals‘ family members for questioning in the next few days in order to determine the extent of their knowledge about their loved ones‘ activities in Afghanistan, alt
hough he stressed that this investigation will be unconnected with the original case.
The official said that the two detainees had not yet appeared before the Attorney General, who made his decision on their detention based on the Public Prosecutor’s report. He added that the investigation will continue with detectives currently trying to uncover new evidence, in addition to gathering the testimonies of those who arrested and interviewed the two men, reported Al-Qabas.
The investigations have gone extremely well to date, the official said, with both men being cooperative and giving detailed testimonies and comprehensive accounts of their actions in Afghanistan, as well as providing the names of those who helped them travel there for Jihad.
Public Prosecutor Hamad Al-Othman has reportedly ordered that two of the suspects in the Arifjan terrorist cell case should be sent for medical examination to assess whether or not they were beaten by state security officers during questioning.
One security official said that one of the suspects, a doctor, had complained that he had been beaten, leaving him unable to move his shoulders. The second suspect, meanwhile, claimed that he had been questioned in the State Security building by one officer who had punched him in the face, causing damage to nerves in one eyelid. Both the men claim that they had sustained several injuries to various parts of their bodies from the alleged assaults by officers.
After the medical reports are received, the Public Prosecutor is expected to call for the officers responsible for questioning the men to give him their statements regarding the complaints
Anonymný, Nedeľa, 6.9.2009, 7:46
my sme rasisti???a co je toto?????????
Terrorism is a threat throughout the world. You can find more information about this threat in our General Advice to Australian Travellers.
We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution in Kuwait because of the high threat of terrorist attack. We continue to receive occasional reports that terrorists may seek to conduct attacks in Kuwait against a range of targets, including Western interests. These reports include information about possible targets, such as US military and identifiably Western targets, including hotels, restaurants and symbols and buildings associated with the Kuwaiti government. However, we emphasise that attacks could occur at any time, anywhere in Kuwait.
In August 2009, security forces arrested members of a terrorist cell planning to attack a number of targets in Kuwait, including an oil refinery, a US military base and government buildings. A US warden message issued after the arrests warned that terrorists may be conducting surveillance on Westerners, particularly at hotels, housing areas and rental car facilities, and that contractors, especially those with links to the military, may be targeted.
Terrorists continue to issue statements threatening to carry out attacks on the Arabian Peninsula. These include references to attacks on Western interests, including residential compounds, military, oil, transport and aviation interests.
In planning your activities, consider the kind of places known to be terrorist targets and the level of security provided. In addition to the places mentioned above possible targets include clubs, theatres, schools, public transport, outdoor recreation events, markets and shopping areas. Tourist areas, hotels, religious sites as well as other places frequented by foreigners, including international schools, are also potential terrorist targets
moslimovia vooooooooobec niesu rasisti,no co im tato zena vadi?????
Na Clintonovú plánovali bombové útoky
Islamskí teroristi plánovali explózie pri augustovej návšteve americkej šéfky diplomacie Hillary Clintonovej v Keni, uviedol to dnes kenský denník Sunday Nation. Výbušnina mala byť odpálená aj v hoteli v Nairobi, kde Clintonová bývala.
Ďalšie dve bomby boli naplánované počas dennej dopravnej špičky na zastávke autobusu a vo vedľajšom hoteli. V pozadí plánovaných útokov je údajne somálska islamistická skupina al-Šabáb, ktorú USA zaradili k teroristickým skupinám, prepojeným na al-Káidu. Kenskí bezpečnostní experti prišli teroristom na stopu v Somálsku ešte v plánovacej fáze operácie.
Zatkli päť podozrivých osôb, medzi nimi jednu ženu a jedného muža s dánskym pasom. Clintonová sa počas svojej návštevy Kene stretla so somálskym prezidentom šejkom Šarífom Šajchom Ahmadom a prisľúbila mu väčšiu pomoc Spojených štátov v boji proti extrémistom
Ved tebe moslima nikto nenuti. A co to tu trepes? Vsetky nabozenstva, a hlavne krestanstvo popieraju vysledky vedy a techniky. Si precitaj, co sa hovori v Biblii o Adamovi a Eve. A do Márie vstúpil duch svaty a porodila syna….svet stvoril Boh….krestanstvo hlasa dobro, a krestanski knazi zneuzivaju malych chlapcov, v minulosti krestania upalovali carodejnice na hraniciach…ale krestanstvo hlasa pokoj a mier…. Krestanstvo odmieta ine nabozenstva, existuje jediny Boh..
A co ta po Clintonovej, za take prachy sa moze nechat vystavovat teroristickym utokom. Ved Amerika robi vsade neplechu, ryzuje na vojnach v Europe, a to odjakziva. Americki vojaci prikapu do Europy zneuzivat zeny, ale to je vsetko v poriadku. Inak by si hovorila, keby si bola jednou z tych zneuzitych…
Akoze no comment chuderky,Amerika nevedie vojny v Europe ani ziadne zeny neznasilnuje.Ste tak oyebane tymi vasimi moslimami ze uz ani vlastny nazor nemate,uprimne vas lutujem,ste ludske trosky.Dufam ze vas skoro zo Slovenska pozenu aj s tymi vasimi moslimami!
Citat vas to je ako pozorovat dusvne narusene.A ked tie vase kraviny citam z odstupom casu znova tak nemam slov nad vasimi mozgovymi pochodmi,brainwash totalny.Vy uz ani len triezvy svetonazor nemate,papuskujete nenavistne zvasty vasich obrezancov.Ano viadia mi moslimovia,vadia mi v Europe,vadia mi na Slovensku a nechcem aby ich pocet zvlast na Slovensku rastol.Vdaka za nasu vladu ktora v tomto zdiela rovnake nazory ako ja.Slovensko slovakom! Islam nema na Slovensku miesto!
Mozem povedat len jedno,na zaklade nazorov a postojov ktore tu prezentujete ste v kontakte s radikalnymi moslimami a ti su vsetci potencionalni teroristi.Hlupe nevzdelane naivne zeny ktore cez dieru medzi nohami otvorili branu na vstup islamu na Slovensko.Nikto vas ani vasich moslimov na Slovensku nechce tak budte radi ze vas este ludia nezenu vidlami zo Slovenska ako to robili v 17 storoci s turkami.
Aki mame problem s moslimami???Jedna sprava za mnohe,ak by ste boli schopne si to precitat,co pochybujem tak by ste zistili co sa deje za branami Slovenska
aka je situacia co sa tyka aktivit moslimov voci zapadu.
Terrorism is a threat throughout the world. You can find more information about this threat in our General Advice to Australian Travellers.
We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution in Kuwait because of the high threat of terrorist attack. We continue to receive occasional reports that terrorists may seek to conduct attacks in Kuwait against a range of targets, including Western interests. These reports include information about possible targets, such as US military and identifiably Western targets, including hotels, restaurants and symbols and buildings associated with the Kuwaiti government. However, we emphasise that attacks could occur at any time, anywhere in Kuwait.
In August 2009, security forces arrested members of a terrorist cell planning to attack a number of targets in Kuwait, including an oil refinery, a US military base and government buildings. A US warden message issued after the arrests warned that terrorists may be conducting surveillance on Westerners, particularly at hotels, housing areas and rental car facilities, and that contractors, especially those with links to the military, may be targeted.
Terrorists continue to issue statements threatening to carry out attacks on the Arabian Peninsula. These include references to attacks on Western interests, including residential compounds, military, oil, transport and aviation interests.
In planning your activities, consider the kind of places known to be terrorist targets and the level of security provided. In addition to the places mentioned above possible targets include clubs, theatres, schools, public transport, outdoor recreation events, markets and shopping areas. Tourist areas, hotels, religious sites as well as other places frequented by foreigners, including international schools, are also potential terrorist targets
Taketo varovanie vydavaju pre vsetky moslimske krajiny.V kazdej moslimskej krajine je realna hrozba teroristickych utokov na zapadne ciele,turistov,cudzincov ktori tam ziju.Strasne sa cudujem vasim reakciam ked sa tvarite akoby jedina osoba na svete tu na exile bola proti moslimom a cely sbvet ich miloval ako slusnych a dobrych ludi.Skutocne ste dusevne chore,vam netreba obrezaneho nabijaka ale psychiatra!
do kelu, myslela som, že sa to tu rozbehlo, ale vidím, že „naša aritokratka“ sa vrátila z „lode“ a kopíruje anglické články..ved ich prelož Ty mudra, nie každý sa učí tú ich rečovú vadu…“nevedko“ ahoj..už som doma, je tu príšerná zima…ja žasnem a rehocem sa tu nad príspevkami, „našej dobrodinky“ ale tie jej vyjadrovacie schopnositi..že „kus mäsa okolo vagíny“ preboha, to jej mohol povedať len nejaký slovák! alebo žeby niekto v angličtine? 🙂
Tina ty hlupa nedokazes ani rozlisit diskutujucich,kus masa okolo vaginy tak to pisal tiez niekto iny ,nemyslis ze je nas tu viac kto sa tu bavi na vasej dusevnej poruche?Vyraz kus masa okolo vaginy blo vyjadrenie jedneho islamskeho klerika a odvtedy sa to bezne pouziva v suvise s moslimkami
otras,ako opice
class=“postlink“ href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8T8JNoiuXA&feature=related“> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8T8JNoi … re=related
class=“postlink“ href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AsvHFwcxco&NR=1″> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AsvHFwcxco&NR=1
class=“postlink“ href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUhmlFlBCSA“> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUhmlFlBCSA
class=“postlink“ href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsqEyGdLh8I&feature=related“> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsqEyGdL … re=related
A čo si myslíš, že len všetci teroristi na teba čakajú? Sa zobuď, teba si nikto ani nevšimne. A keď Slovensko slovákom, tak prečo tu nežiješ ty? Nech to povedia tebe, tam kde robíš, že sa máš vrátiť na Slovensko. Keby tak všetky krajiny jednali, Nemecko nemcom, Anglicko angličanom, tak si vieš kde. A čože je problém tu dostať nejakého moslima? Stačí mať prachy, a dostaneš tu aj 100- člennú rodinu. Ba za obyčajné hovno ťa tam považujú, kde pracuješ, tak si to vŕšiš na slovákoch. Ja tie tvoje skopirované články nečítam, nudím sa pritom a tie odkazy na stránky ma nezaujímajú. A myslím, že to tu nikto nečíta, len ty.
Tvoja reakcia