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Neviem preco si vsetci myslite, ze na Vas cakaju s otvorenou narucou. Zijem v Norsku v Hamare a poviem Vam, ze je tazke aj pre Norov dostat sa robit na Oljeplattform (ropnu plosinu).
Ak sa tam chcete dostat robit, v prvom rade musite mat vsetky Vase certifikaty z oboru prelozene minimalne do anglictiny.Ale vacsina firiem uz vyzaduje do norciny. Takisto musite vediet minimalne anglicky,ale uprednostuju nordicky hovoriacych kvalifikovanych pracovnikov s norskymi offshore kurzami :
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Po ukonceni kurzov este cakate minimalne 1mesiac na PSKkort (plastova ID karta, ktoru vydava pre offshore pracovnikov Petroleumsindustriens Senter for Kvalitetssikring av Kompetanse), bez ktorej Vas na plosinu nepustia.
Je mi na grc z tych oje…..ov ktori sem pisu a zavadzaju naivnych ludi, ktori chcu len zarobit peniaze pre svoje rodiny.Ale su aj taky chytraci, co uz otravuju aj mojich najblizsich, ze sa ucia norsky a ci by ich nieco nemohli poducit, co a ako.
Preto som sem teraz napisal, aby si mohol kazdy, kto chce pracovat na plosine, zvazit ci na to ma fyzicky,jazykovo a aj financne,lebo tie offshore kurzy, ktore som vyssie uviedol, mna stali 40.000,- NOK co je cca 5000 Eur.
Takze, bolo by nacase uvedomit si, ze vsetky agentury, ktore Vam ponukaju sprostredkovanie prace na ropnych plosinach za administrativny poplatok, Vas klamu. Lebo kazda spolocnost, ktora vlastni plosiny, jasne a zretelne uvadza na svojich oficialnych strankach, ze zamestnat sa mozete len napriamo u nich, bez poplatkov a nie cez rozne agentury.
Vela stastia.
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HTC accessories for instance screen protectors will provide safety to the screen of your phone- and along with the camera; the end users can click amazing pictures and record great videos, and so forth. And, with the enable of HTC case, the user can easily enjoy the features of HTC need for a longer time. Also, buy cases & cover online, as online shopping can help the users in paying for the products at a lower price. It is safe, easy and convenient to purchase things online and along with lower prices, you have the assurance of genuine products. As well as most effective part is- you can receive the equipment at your home.
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Thus, to enjoy the new and distinct features for a longer time, consumers must purchase HTC equipment.
While in the present situation, cell phone add-ons are as critical as any Cell phone. If any consumer is purchasing any HTC Mobile phone, then, she/he needs equipment which guard her/his cellphone. And also the greatest accessories, which have played a significant purpose from the lifestyle of any user, are HTC accessories. There are various kinds of HTC add-ons, which are obtainable while in the industry, such as- hands no cost, vehicle charger, covers, cases, and so on. No other equipment can ever exchange HTC accessories, and each of the accessories have their own importance from the lives of their consumers.
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Therefore, HTC Want is increasingly becoming influential primarily from the growing recognition in the Android phones.
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We’re living in a planet of devices in which our everyday courses are achieved working with mobile phones. As we all are mindful of the fact that Android handsets are gaining a good deal of recognition, HTC Desire is one of them.
Considering that we’re approaching a lifestyle in which mobile handsets hold lots of value, Nonetheless, it truly is currently being largely taken by Android industry. HTC need fulfills the todays‘ person’s wants and requirements with its multi-featured mindset.
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This has led to one more HTC Android powered handset out from the market. As per the AdMob’s network, HTC Need stand amid 35% from the complete variety of mobile phones. This is the percentage that are receiving sold on month to month basis.
HTC Wish to evolve while in the Android Industry
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The 512MB of ROM and 576MB of RAM, ensures that you just get the optimum pace anytime, anywhere. Its microSD memory card can also be a single on the added positive aspects for your mobile lover.
The HTC Wildfire is definitely an appealing Android cellphone. It has utilized muted blend of colors as well as a smooth glass display to produce an general extraordinary search. HTC Wildfire also includes a compact size which makes it nice and cozy to hold compared with the more substantial smartphones available while in the marketplace.
Even though the telephone never include a focused camera button, the camera application that it uses is rapid and delivers ease of use which makes it possible to produce high-quality pictures as much as five megapixels. Video performance is accessible but its reduced resolution of 320 x 240 may possibly allow you to down.
People who are seeking a low-cost cell phone that offers crucial smartphone options might contemplate HTC Wildfire an appropriate decision. Consider a seem if this smartphone delivers according for your expectations by reading the that highlights the specifications on the cellphone.
HTC Wildfire managed to preserve the good quality that created the other popular. It is made from metal and soft plastic, it’s a glass capacitive touchscreen, optical trackball, and touch responsive buttons.
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Apple is one of the main makers of transportable products inside the planet these days and if you would like to consider care in the things you might have, you would like the appropriate equipment. The iPad is usually a tablet Computer that you can use to be able to do a great deal of the same matters as you can do having a pc, however the bundle is really a good deal smaller sized and it’ll be performed a lot a lot quicker also.
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